What's Your 'Credit' Score...?

6:44 AM

When tackling a goal as big as weight loss you must first remember to give yourself credit for every positive step along the way...  

...It may sound cheesy but there are hundreds of facts proving that you make much better and much faster progress with a positive attitude!

Weight loss cannot be achieved by making one choice or decision. It is thousands of decisions made day in and day out that add up to change our overall habits and help us reach these goals. Therefore, each time you make a positive choice or a decision, it is important to celebrate those tough choices.

Each time you make a choice that was different from what you would have naturally chosen, give yourself credit, a ‘mental pat on the back’ for working so consistently to make these changes...

...Celebrate if you refrain from snacking on the leftovers from a party a meal or that the kids didn’t finish. Celebrate, for example: if you share a meal or take a bite of a dessert rather than ordering your own. Especially if you are usually an ‘all or nothing’ person, remember to give yourself credit each time that you decide to make a compromise that falls in the ‘gray area’. This means that you are starting to practice moderation.

Continue to remind yourself that you are making progress breaking bad habits and forming new ones each and every time you make choices that go against your natural instincts.  

Each of these small wins may seem minor and inconsequential but remember - pennies add up to dollars quickly and ounces add up to pounds just as quickly on the scale.  As long as you keep your attitude in check and continue to encourage yourself to keep going! 

Need some extra help learning how to give yourself credit or re-frame your thoughts?  

Contact me and let me know how I can help!

To Your Health & Happiness!


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