
What is Coaching?

Coaching is a partnership built between myself and clients to help them learn about themselves, to help them tap their own potential and maximize their health, happiness and self-fulfillment. 

Types of Coaching:

Weight Loss Coaching:  No matter what method you are using to lose weight there is one thing that is proven to help the weight come off faster, easier and to stay off once and for all.  – The one-on-one support of a weight loss consultant/health coach. 

For over 6 years now I have helped hundreds of clients from all walks of life identify challenges, seek out solutions and stick to their goals week after week until they reach their weight-loss goals once and for all! 

Weight Loss Maintenance Coaching:  Time and time again I have heard successful weight loss clients say that weight maintenance is even more difficult than weight loss!  Whether it is just for a few weeks or it is on and off as often or as little as you need – maintenance coaching is a great way to help you keep that body and that supportive lifestyle that you worked so hard to create! 

Goal Coaching: Whether it’s completing school, getting out of debt, landing or changing jobs or careers, writing a book, running a marathon….or any other major goal in your life - if it is truly important to you – you and that goal deserve coaching

Coaching helps to you to keep on track and keep you making progress toward that end goal more quickly than if you were left to do it on your own.

Studies show that coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that successful people use to reach their goals and increase their health, financial well-being, personal relationships and overall happiness.

“Move Forward” Coaching:  Perhaps you don’t have a specific goal in mind at all – but you simply feel ‘stuck’.  You may feel stressed, frustrated, angry, depressed or just not understand how you feel or why.  You may be experiencing problems at work, problems in your relationships or simply not feel like yourself anymore.  Coaching can and will help. 

The ‘Work With Life and Yourself’ approach that I use is perfect for helping to identify what’s really going on and to slowly sift through the items in your life that are affecting you. 

While coaching will not change a terrible boss or work environment, and it will not change the behavior of friends, family or spouses – it DOES help you to take control of the biggest factor affecting all of these other things: yourself. 

Together we will work to understand and finally to harness your mindset and attitude and change your thought patterns and patterns of behavior.  Once you are different so is your world.  Together, we will identify the changes that you can make to improve your position, your relationships and your life.

*NOTE:  I am not a doctor or licensed therapist.  I cannot treat, diagnose or prescribe medications for physical or emotional problems or conditions. 

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