Get Fit With Just 12 Minutes of Exercise A Week

6:53 AM

According to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, four-minute bursts of vigorous physical activity only three times a week is enough to elevate oxygen intake levels and lower blood pressure and glucose levels.

In their study, investigators observed 26 healthy, yet overweight and inactive males over the course of a ten-week program. The men were divided into two groups, one that exercised in 16-minute sessions broken into 4-minute bouts and another group that exercised three times a week for 4-minute sessions.

Despite the difference in exercise duration, the oxygen intake increased in comparable amounts in both groups and both groups had an improved blood pressure.

According to Medical News Today the scientists concluded from their study and author Arnt Erik Tjønna agreed that:

A growing body of evidence suggests that exercise training with low-volume but high-intensity may be a time-efficient means to achieve health benefits.”

To get started adding 4-minute bouts of exercise into your week, consider adding quick and simple Anywhere Anytime Exercises to your daily routine. 

Also, spend a day tracking your time. 

  • How much time do you spend on Facebook, reading blogs, or browsing the internet...?
  • How much time do you spend texting messages that could be cleared up in a 2 minute phone call...? 
  • How much time do you spend watching TV, or engaging in other forms of entertainment...? 

If you are truly dedicated to finding it, you can find even more than 12 minutes a day in your schedule - much less - 12 minutes a week!  Think about when you're going to carve out a few minutes right now - and remember to up the intensity!  (And once you get started - feel free to do more than 12 minutes - consider it extra credit!) 

...As always, if you could use some help finding this time or holding yourself accountable week in and week out - contact me so I can help!

To Your Health & Happiness!


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