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Spice it Up to Slim it Down!

2:31 AM

This Valentine's day - spice it up with your honey more ways than one!  If you're a fan of hot, spicy foods - order these up to give your metabolism a boost and help fight body fat! 

Research conducted at UCLA proven that hot peppers can help people to lose weight due to an active ingredient called capsaicin (sometimes spelled capsaician) that increases energy expenditure, deters fat cell growth and reduces food intake.

Capsaicin works by binding to nerve receptors and sending fat-burning signals to the brain. Even mild peppers contain enough of these compounds that they can help to eliminate up to 100 additional calories per day.

The amount of capsaicin delivered in a pepper is rated in units on a scale called the Scoville scale. The higher the unit and generally the hotter the pepper, the greater the concentration of capsaicin can be found in the pepper.

Now – for those who are not pepper lovers or hot sauce fans, there is good news!  Capsaicin comes in a pill format that works the same way, yet without the unwanted burning sensations!

Capsaicin capsules many not be found at your local GNC or Vitamin Shop but there are many places where they can be ordered online. The pills may be taken daily, with the dosage dependent on your weight and weight loss goals. These pills have also proven to have accumulating effects, so they continue producing greater results over time. 

Other foods that help to rev up fat burn include cinnamon, bay leaves, garlic, and cloves.

...And if you thought the title of this article meant to 'spice it up' in a more sensual way - go for it! That burns plenty of calories too!! 

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