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Trip Over Your Goals!

5:55 AM

For a few years now we've had the treadmill upstairs in the corner of the living room.  Recently, we decided to move it to the basement....

...Last week, in order to move around some furniture in the living room we moved the treadmill to the end of the hallway - a temporary 'halfway to the basement' spot....

Unfortunately (or so I thought) this means that I literally have to step over / scoot around the treadmill each and every time I walk back and forth down the hall to get to the bedroom, go to the bathroom, change the kids...etc.

But then, another new development began...

I've now run on the treadmill EVERY DAY since moving it to this - admittedly inconvenient - yet highly conspicuous spot!   In fact: most days I've run on it MULTIPLE times!

...Why is this...?

...Simple!  Each time I step over, around or stub my toe on it (ouch!) I am physically reminded about my running goals, my weight loss goals and in my minds eye I remember how great it feels to start pushing it to higher and higher speeds and feel those endorphins rushing through me!

The moral of the story?

While I doubt the middle of the hall will be the permanent location for the treadmill - it is obvious that placing elements of your goal where you literally have to trip over them - sets you up for success!

So what are you goals?

...Fill your pockets with notes, your calendar with reminders, your bathroom mirror with sticky notes to keep it on your mind!

...Want to start working out in the mornings?  Set your alarm across the room and place your workout clothes and shoes up where you will see them.  Ok, maybe not where you'll actually trip - please don't blame me for any half-awake nosedives! (Unless that is what it takes to wake you up and get you moving!)

The point is - make tasks to reach your goals goals 'smack-you-in-the-face' as often as possible - set yourself up for success by laying out obvious, easy and straightforward reminders Anywhere & Anytime you can!

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