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Slip, Fall, Recover, Repeat: 7 Ways to Get Back on Track After A Setback

7:26 AM

Getting back on track following a setback in your weight loss (or any goal!) is not easy.  However, there are a few practices that will help minimize the negative effects of such a setback.

1)  First, remember that set-backs are a normal part of reaching a weight loss goal, or any goal.  It’s all about how quickly you get your mind ‘back in the game’.  Setbacks will happen again in the future; so, the faster you can re-motivate yourself this time, the easier it will be to do so next time.  Keep in mind that the true key to success is not to keep from falling, but to learn how to get back up and moving as quickly as possible.

Often when we are feeling negative, we will single-out and dwell on all the other negative things going on.  After all, ‘misery loves company’.  

But instead of focusing on the frustration you feel knowing that this is the third challenge you’ve faced, or lamenting that the challenges are going to keep coming…try instead to use those ‘combative’ feelings to tap into your competitive side...Dig down into the part of you that says, ‘bring it’, and ‘forget climbing the hill, I want to tackle that mountain!’  

Try to think of the problems that lie ahead, instead, as additional obstacles for you to overcome that will simply make your success that much sweeter in the end.  After all, are you more proud of an accomplishment that was easy and simple?  Or one that was an epic journey riddled with pitfalls?

2)  Also remember, you are not alone.  No one who has ever achieved a worthy goal has done so with a perfect track record. 

Here are just a few examples:

  • Henry Ford:  Failed in his early business ventures and was left broke 5 times before he successfully founded the Ford Motor Company.
  • Walt Disney:  Was fired by a newspaper editor who said he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” 
  • Thomas Edison: Was fired from 2 jobs and made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at the light bulb before one attempt finally worked.
  • Oprah Winfrey:  Was fired from her job as a television reporter because she was said to be, “unfit for TV.”
3)  Next, while you may be discouraged by a loss of progression the scale, keep in mind that something you have not lost is knowledge.  Knowledge of how you reached that goal to begin with (which may have taken some trial and error the first time around) can now be put into place and work for you much more quickly this time.

4)  Also, review your successes and remind yourself of how far you have already come.  Are you more energized than you were when you began?  Liking more fruits and veggies?  Are you still down 2 sizes from where you started?  Recognize and credit yourself for improvements that you have already made, and set a specific goal for the next small milestone you want to reach. 

5)  Also, don’t forget to celebrate how ‘it could have been worse’.  Even though you may be lamenting a gain of 3 pounds over vacation, think back to previous vacations...How much do you think you may have put on during those vacations when you didn't already have a few healthy practices in place?

Instead of thinking in ‘black and white’, or ‘perfect or terrible’, celebrate the gray areas; celebrate that “it could have been much worse”.   Because, for every pound you avoided gaining, that’s a huge win.  Reminding yourself of these small wins keeps you focused on the positive and help get you re-motivate more quickly.

6)  Remember too, most gains put on after you have reached a new low on the scale are partly water weight and will off quickly.  Just like exercise, if your body has been at a certain fitness level or lower weight recently, it will be able to get back to that stage far more quickly the second time.

7)  Finally, track any and all factors related to both the slip and to your recovery.  This way, you know both: what to watch out for and possibly to differently next time, and also what works to help get you re-motivated ASAP.
And always keep in mind: 

“You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there!" 

(Edwin Louis Cole)

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