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The Seeds of Happiness

5:30 AM

Unlike the 'what comes first the chicken or the egg' debate - the thoughts about happiness seem clear cut.  We think that when we work hard enough to build a life to support happiness - then we will be happy.

But in fact - we've got this completely backwards.

Again and again we continue to think -

....'I just need ____ and then I'll be happy.'  

.....'Once _____ is over, then I'll be happy.  ' 

....'Once I get _____ in order, then I'll be happy.'

If you continue to have thoughts similar to these then I have bad news for you:

You will never be happy.  

The truth is that there will always be another '_____' standing in your way.  Situations will continue to arise again and again so that even once one is gone another will still seem to be 'standing in the way' of your happiness.

But this is all an illusion - because happiness is a state of mind.  Your mind can be happy right here, right now - you just need to choose to be there.

In fact - making this choice will help bring the rest of your life into alignment - and much more quickly than it is falling into place now!


Because it is proven time and time again that those who operate in a happier state are:

....easier to get along with.
....faster to make friends.
....make a bigger and wonderful impression on others
....more likely to advance at work
....make connections much more easily
....are better, faster and more efficient at all they do.

The list goes on and on of benefits that you will receive once you decide to be happy.

Think of happiness as a seed....It may start off very small and not seem to have a big effect on your day.

...When you choose happiness you will not immediately turn into Gene Kelly and begin skipping down the street singing "Singing in the Rain"....

...But as you continue to nurture it, it begins to grow stronger and become more effective within your life....

The more you water it with happy thoughts and the more you protect it from negativity, the more you will begin to notice how the world around you seems to change....

...when in reality you are just looking at it through happier eyes, with a happier disposition and it begins to reflect back to you in the same way.

To help you remember this great 'reflection principal' - click here to read a story about 2 dogs.

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  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

    1. Thanks so much for the read and comment Sridhar! My goal is to continue to provide inspiring content. (I also checked out your blog and love your topics - I look forward to more posts!)
