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The “No Time for Exercise” Curse and Cure

6:51 AM

As a weight loss consultant, the number one reason I hear for not exercising is “I don't have time”.

But what is it exactly, that we are saying we don’t have time to do...?

....We don’t have time put on workout clothes, find someone to watch the kids, drive to the gym, wait for a machine and spend an hour on the elliptical once it becomes free...?  Of course we don’t!  Who does have that kind of time?

Then again, do you let not having enough money for your dream vacation keep you from simply going out to dinner?

I doubt that you avoid any and all entertainment simply because it is not the most elaborate version.  -So why do you think this way when it comes to exercise?

Do you let not having enough money for your dream vacation keep you from going out to dinner? 

Just because you can’t do something full-scale doesn’t mean that the smaller options should be ignored. In fact, this is exactly why they should be embraced!

What else is it you picture doing when you think of the word ‘exercise’?  Doing a work out video or taking a class? Taking a long walk or run?...These are all great options, but if you can’t fit these things into your schedule consistently, these exercises won’t make a big impact on your fitness and weight loss goals.

Why waste so many days, giving your body no extra activity all because you are holding out for this elusive ‘time’?

The first step in finding time to exercise is to change your perspective.

First - change your perspective about what constitutes exercise.  Formal exercises are not the only ways to engage your muscles, increase your heart rate and give your body the benefit of additional movement.

Next, you must change your perspective about what qualifies as ‘free time’.

Stop looking for giant blocks of time.  If you find a way to carve them out down the road, great!  But in the meantime, why are you wasting days, weeks, months and possibly years waiting for these chunks of time to materialize?

Instead, break these hours into separate blocks of minutes.

Do you have 1 single free minute here and there throughout the day?  Most likely.  Do you have 60 minutes like that sprinkles throughout your day?  Again, you could most likely find them once you start to look.  There is your one hour workout!

Remember, the Anywhere Anytime State of Mind ~ If you are revved up and looking for ways to support your goals anywhere you are at any time of the day you are not only going to remain inspired and motivated for the long haul but you are going to start to create situations and scenarios that begin to get you to your goal quickly, easily and for good!

Don't think a minute here and a minute there add up to much...?

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