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From Formal to Normal ~ Live Like A Caveman

12:15 AM

What do you picture when someone says the word "Exercise"?  I'd be willing to bet you picture a gym setting or a work-out video, weights or someone going for a well-planned run...etc.  All of this is great - but all of these are 'formal' exercises and - they are NOT the only options.

Instead of using the word 'exercise' - I like to encourage clients to simply get more 'activity'.  What thoughts come to mind with the word "Activity"?

Walking the dog, playing with the kids, cleaning around the house?  All of these things count.  As long as you are moving your body - you are burning calories, engaging your muscles and increasing your heart rate above where it would be if you were sitting still.

Now, here is where you may argue that your fitness goals are not going to be quickly solved by sweeping the kitchen floor, taking out the trash or going for a walk with a friend...Here is where you protest that that you know your fitness goals would be better and more quickly met if you can just force yourself to get in that gym, do that workout video or start figuring out how to go for that run.  - True....BUT.....

Even if you set your life up in a way that supports 'formal exercises' for awhile or even for the long run - opening up your mindset to credit yourself for bonus activities helps you to build a supportive lifestyle that will not only get you to your goal faster, but keep you there for the long run this time.

Think about this - hundreds of years ago, cavemen, Indians and even farmers were all in excellent physical shape.  Did any of them have a gym membership?  Of course not.  They simply had a lifestyle that supported daily movement and body shaping chores and activities.

The best way to encourage your body into shape is to do so naturally - in a way where your 'normal' life is continuously supporting your fitness goals. And remember - as an added bonus these activities will also encourage a healthier pet, quality time with the kids, a clean house and plenty of additional Inspire Worthy'accomplishments!

Your Mission (if you choose to accept it):

1) Start thinking of how you can mold your 'normal' life to help support your fitness goals.

2) Share some of your ideas for activities (and their added bonuses) here in the comments!

Have an Inspire Worthy Day! 

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