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Start Building Your Goal Arsenal

3:17 PM

Setting the Stage to Stick To Your Goal

...Well, actually it’s more like slowly laying double-sided tape all over the stage so that once all is said and done the end goal will have a pretty tough time falling back off and out of the spotlight!

Remember, some goals, even once achieved cannot be maintained if we continue to operate as we are now.  Even if someone were to magically snap their fingers today and get you to your goal, would your current lifestyle nourish this goal?  Would it allow this goal to stick? 

If the answer is no - then here is yet another reason that slow, steady changes are necessary before you reach this goal, think of it as practice for maintaining the goal once you reach it!

As an example - say that your goal is to get a new job.  Will the current amount of time you spend with friends outside of work be possible once you have the new job?  Will your current wardrobe work in the job you want? 

You may have heard:

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. 

This is just as true for the person whose goal it is to get a new job as it is for the person whose goal is to get out of debt. 

If jeans and sweatshirts will not work in the job you want start now building the wardrobe that will work once you are where you want to be.  In the same way, will spending money on expensive entertainment keep you out of debt once you’re out? 

If not, then don’t think of ways to cut out entertainment until the debt is paid off and then get back to your old ways....  Instead use the time it will take to get the debt paid off to slowly find new hobbies (as in, slowly build your wardrobe) that are cheaper. - Instead of thinking of living more frugally as a ‘temporary’ thing you are doing until your debt is gone - truly embrace the frugal lifestyle, find new, inexpensive hobbies that you truly enjoy and that will continue to support a debt-free lifestyle.

It goes without saying that this also applies to weight loss.  Instead of thinking about eating in a drastic and forced way just to get you to your desired weight - start now finding healthier alternatives that you truly love that will keep your body where you want it to be once you are there.

Any tools you will need to get to your goal will also probably be necessary in keeping that goal.  So start to build and grow your ‘toolbox’ start to ‘stock your kitchen, your pantry, your arsenal’ or whatever other metaphor you would like.  Just start to surround yourself and get comfortable with small changes that will support and keep you at your goal in the long run! 

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