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Seaweed Helps Reduce Fat Intake By More Than 75%

4:29 AM

So I promised to reveal great weight loss tips and tricks in this blog, and here comes a big one....

According to scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, alginate, a natural fiber in sea kelp reduces fat intake by more than 75%.

Newcastle scientists found that alginate blocks the body from absorbing fat far more effectively than current over the counter anti-obesity treatments.

As reported by Natural News, the team, Dr. Lain Brownlee announced in a press statement:

"There are countless claims about miracle cures for weight loss but only a few cases offer any sound scientific evidence to back up these claims. The aim of this study was to put these products to the test and our initial findings are that alginates significantly reduce fat digestion." Brownlee said.

Brownlee suggests that if these fibers can be added to commonly eaten products such as bread and yogurts, up to three quarters of the fat content in those meals could potentially pass right through the body without causing an additional build up in fat.

In his statement reported by Natural News Brownlee further explains,

"We have already added the alginate to bread and initial taste tests have been extremely encouraging. Now the next step is to carry out clinical trials to find out how effective they are when eaten as part of a normal diet."

So is seaweed the ultimate key to fat reduction? 

...One thing is for sure - it won't hurt head out for sushi and seaweed salad a little more often!


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