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What Happens To A Goal Deferred?

6:26 AM

Why Are Your Goals Worth It...? 

...This isn’t as much a question for me to answer as it is for you to answer.  Why are they?  If you are reading this blog there is obviously a goal itching somewhere inside your mind.  Give it the time of day - right now - and answer the following questions:

  1. Why are you worth making time for those goals?  
  2. How will you be a better person, how will you be in a better place, personally, professionally or physically once you reach these goals? 
  3. How long have you been aiming to achieve this/these goals?  
  4. What will be different about your life once you do? 

A Goal Deferred...

An unfinished goal, know it or not, weighs on your subconscious.  We all know how these things go...the longer you put it off the harder it is to get started and the less confident we feel that we will ever succeed.  Realize that no matter how slight, the negative feelings associated with a 'goal deferred' can negatively infect other areas of your life.  Like a virus, feelings of regret, lack of confidence and/or frustration will surface again and more prominently with each new goal that is presented.

I can't possibly give a better visual than the great Langston Hughes, so I'll let him help me paint this picture:

What happens to a dream deferred?
by Langston Hughes
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

How to fix it?  Simply try!

Trying to accomplish a goal is a sign of hope, confidence and positivity. Even if things don't work out as you hope or expect your positive attitude will spill over into the next goal and keep you moving forward.

Also! - Keep in mind that a lot of the things you are ‘protecting’ now by not sacrificing a bit of time here and there will most likely end up actually benefiting once you’ve reached those goals!

...For example - say you need to sacrifice a bit of time with your spouse in the evenings to work towards your goal.  You may miss that time now but in the long run, once you accomplish your goal you will be happier, perhaps even healthier and this will greatly improve the quality of the time you both spend together.

Even if it’s not direct - you as a happier person will make you far more productive in every area of your life and better yet - it will make you a great inspiration and role model to all those around you!

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