
The Truth About Fat

7:05 PM

Myth: Fat is “bad” and needs to be eliminated from your diet completely.

First of all 'not all fats are created equal' and secondly, fat is actually an important part of a body’s essential nutrients.  

...In fact, the FDA food guidelines insist that a healthy diet should be made of up 20-30% fat because it provides energy and helps to transport vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, K and D throughout the body. 

Fat has developed a terrible reputation due to the fact that a single gram contains more than twice the calories than a gram of carbohydrates or proteins.

Unfortunately, recent studies have shown a typical American diet is made up of 40% fat.  This is a number that certainly needs to be addressed and lowered. However, there also needs to be a bit of ‘fat education’ promoted to those with such fat-laden diets.

“Bad” fats that raise cholesterol and increase blood pressure are Saturated Fats and Trans-Fats. Too many Saturated and Trans-fats can also increase a person’s risk for heart disease.

Saturated fats are typically found in animal products such as:
  • ·         Bacon
  • ·         Poultry skin
  • ·         Ribs
  • ·         Hotdogs
  • ·         Sausage
  • ·         Coconut oil
  • ·         Palm oil

High levels of Saturated Fats can also be found in dairy products such as:
  • ·         Cheese
  • ·         Sour cream
  • ·         Butter
  • ·         Ice Cream

Trans-fats are made from liquid oils.  Trans-fats are processed chemically making the oil a solid or semi-solid when brought to room temperature. Trans-fat is typically found in partially hydrogenated oil which is an ingredient in most packaged sweets, baked goods and snack foods and margarine.

Instead of these unhealthy fats that make up 40% of so many American diets, 20-30% of a healthy diet should consist of healthy fats: Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These fats are more natural, less processed and therefore the body recognizes them as being a helpful tool rather than a something that should be stored.

Monounsaturated fats are found in:
  • ·         Olive oil
  • ·         Canola oil
  • ·         Nut

Polyunsaturated fats are found in
  • ·         Fish
  • ·         Flaxseed
  • ·         Walnuts
  • ·         Soybeans

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are found in:
  • ·         Cold water fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and anchovies
  • ·         Flaxseed oil
  • ·         Flax seed
  • ·         Walnuts

Omega-3 fatty acid is a polyunsaturated fatty aid that helps the body to build cell membranes in the brain.  It also control blood clotting and it has proved to provide benefits to those suffering from cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

…The bottom line is – the more you fuel your body with all of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins that it requires – in the quantities that it expects and needs, the more efficiently and effectively it will function. 

The body is a machine and it operates at peak performance when it is fueled with ‘high-test fuel’ in the proper amounts at the proper times.  We cannot expect our body to do what we want it to, to make drastic changes and to maintain them - unless we start by giving it what it wants and needs as well.

Work with your body’s needs instead of against them, and you’ll be surprised at how much faster you can reach your health and fitness goals! 

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